Gossip Mallika outdoes Priyanka on Popularity


Bollywood Celebrity Gossip

Just a few days back reports about the so-called war between Bollywood hotties Priyanka Chopra & Mallika Sherawat were doing the rounds, as to who's got more popularity on the social networking site Twitter. It was being said that Priyanka has more followers than Mallika. While Mallika has around 8000 fan-following on Twitter than Priyanka has a record of 10,000 fans in a month.

On knowing about Priyanka's claiming sources, Bollywood's hottest diva Mallika Sherawat herself, speaks out, 'I was encouraged by Twitter employees to help get more Bollywood celebrities and their fans on Twitter, and I'm so happy Priyanka fell into my trap!'

'In a country of over a billion, we still have a long way to go. 10,000 followers on Twitter is just the beginning. And in the end, whether it's the number of followers one has on Twitter, or like most other things-- it's not the size that matters, it's what you do with them that counts. In fact, there are many Indians who have more followers on Twitter than both Priyanka and myself combined. They and the people who joined Twitter from the beginning are pioneers.'

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She went on jokingly, 'And if people really wanna make a controversy out of myself and Priyanka being on Twitter, they've come to the right place! I hereby challenge Priyanka to a virtual 'Tweet-off!' When asked what a 'tweet-off' would mean, she admitted, 'I have no idea. Let the followers decide.'

A source close to the actress also adds, ''Mallika Sherawat was the first who became aware of the importance of Twitter. At the behest of her HISSS producers, Mallika started 'tweeting' on the website while living in Los Angeles during the film's post-production. Soon after, Mallika became a regular tweeter, enjoying the direct interaction with fans, friends and family back home in India, as well as the creative outlet the service provided her.'

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''Since Mallika started tweeting, she has garnered thousands of followers and a simple google search shows that many press reports have since been written about Twitter in India, spurring some to charge that Mallika pioneered the Twitter craze currently happening in India. The perception was further solidified when Mallika was invited by Twitter to visit their headquarters in San Francisco, the first star from Asia to be given the honor. Mallika even visited Twitter, met the employees and danced with the CEO Evan Williams at the Twitter HQ and was even crowned as 'Queen of Twitter'.'

A US source familiar with the media's treatment, but not associated with either Mallika or Priyanka, suggests, 'I think its doubtful Priyanka would have even joined Twitter if Mallika didn't make it famous all over India first.'

Mallika will be leading a parade for India Independence Day in the US, where besides visiting Twitter HQ she has been receiving awards, meeting with Hollywood celebs and being introduced around town by industry VIPs as the new 'Hollywood 'It' Girl'. Mallika is also the first star from Asia to have a milkshake named in her honor at Hollywood hotspot Millions of Milkshakes.

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