Attempt to Break a Superhero Guinness World Record


Hollywood Celebrity Gossip

In Berwick, Maine, more than a 100 students gathered in their school gymnasium, dressed as superheros, in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for most people in one room dressed as superheros. The record attempt occurred on the last day of Knowlton School's spirit week. The students had to stay in the gymnasium all together for atleast 10 minutes. They also had to stay dressed up for the entire school day for news stations that were planning on covering the attempt.

The idea was of one of the teacher's, after she read of the record being previously set by university in the U.K. The pictures of the event will soon be sent to Guinness, and they will then wait to hear if they broke the record. The previous record holder has already announced that they plan to defend their title, shall it be broken. Sounds like we could have a full out battle brewing betweent the U.S. and the U.K. Who do you think has more costumes in their closets?

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