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Milka Duno Sucks; Danica's Hot pictures

Alright, I'm not the biggest Danica Patrick fan in the world. But I've seen the video now several times of her and fellow female driver Milka Duno's "confrontation" (I use that term loosely). All I have to say is if this were real racing (i.e. NASCAR), Duno gets the beat-down of her life.

Other than the fact that Patrick has a history of getting upset, I don't understand the flack she's taking here. If you know anything about racing, you take one look at the video and you can immediately tell that Patrick is in the right. Danica pulled up on her, not once, but twice because she had the obviously faster car. Duno went into the corners and turned down on Patrick. It's a technique known in racing as "blocking". And it usually pisses off even the best-of-the-best of drivers. But in this case, Danica was nice enough to back off the first time it happened in order to keep from wrecking them both.

The second time it occured is when Patrick became angry. And even when Danica finally made the pass, Duno drove down on her a third time and almost clipped her back wheels. To compound matters, and what's most egregious, this was PRACTICE! To borrow our good friend Allen Iverson for a second, "Practice? You're talking about practice? Not a game. But practice?"

That's right Allen, we are talking 'bout practice in this case.

On top of everything, Danica never even raised her voice when she went to Duno's pits to talk to her, unitl Duno threw a towel in her face. If that's NASCAR, somebody gets her ass beat right then and there. And I don't mean Danica.

So to recap: Duno tries to block Danica, not once, not twice, but three freaking times, in PRACTICE, then throws a towel in Danica's face when confronted about the "bush league" tactic, and Danica comes out the bad guy (or girl, whatever)? I don't think so.

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